Friday, November 24, 2006

Photo crazy!!!

Well hi everyone, I was looking though the photos in my camera and I realised what a perfect of showing to everyone is through my blog so today's post will have loads of pictures. I have been doing nothing much on my proposal these past few days, gonna be so dead meat but yeah I have been reading on some library books to help myself out. Sleep has also been a problem these past few days but it is not really because of the projects but due to my unhealthy gaming habit/addiction sigh....this past week I have been missing my stop back home everyday cos I slept through the bus ride. Medieval 2 Total War pic on top right of post. Anyone interested contact me.

Update 26/11/2006
: Well I was walking around Parkway Parade after lunch with my parents when as I was walking by the shops around the first floor which has 2 competing electronic game shops, I saw
One look at this fine mighty piece of hardware in Singapore made my gamer's appetite water :P I just had to find out the price of it thinking that the more expensive 60GB version would be at most S$1,200 when holy camole did my dreams costs a whopping S$1,699!!! and for the 20GB version, it costs S$1,299 :'(
Oh woe to the gamer's wallet when buying the ultimate gaming machine. I gonna have to wait until the price drops down and get my bro to pitch in his side of the money to buy the PS3 haiz. So that's about it for this post....damn does photbucket take damn long to upload pictures....cya:)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Birthday!!!! :)

Hi y'all here's another update of stuff. Well most of the class has finally completed their first level design for their interface design although with many tears in the process. We lost in Captain's Ball and B-ball but you guys and gals did you're best ya all and we had to go up against Year 2 people so do not get emo all you guys :). Oh yeah and we had a nice birthday celebration for all the October birthday people. I've uploaded some of the pictures in this entry so happy viewing.
Added some new features like the music juke box, hope you guys will like it. Two are from Daft Punk while the last one is a anime OST from Welcome to The NHK! which is a pretty good anime if you asked me though the main character reminds me of me at some times....Freaky shit lol. Well everyone in C140G lets chiong all the way with our projects and complete them on time now ya hear me? lol :)
Oh yeah and gaming addiction is bad *what a hypocrite*

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I'm back

Well I am back after a long haitus from blogging cos I was to lazy to go create a new blog BUT don't worry, I am back in business and ready to upload more anime and games....(*sigh more of my rubbish*). Well first off nothing much to report on my side only just that we HAVE TONS OF WORK TO DO but a few weeks time.....can't stop getting the feeling that my lifestyle is gonna be totally changed but this problem. Oh Haruhi-san please help us in our time of need, I your loyal subject is waiting for your godly guidance.

So other then work, I guess its been pretty slow other then the OTC camp coming up and the Director's Cup coming next week. P.S. So many of our classmates having the cough, I dunno how we gonna play against other classes siah :P lol.

Without further or do, introducing to you a trailer of World in Conflict and Medieval 2: Total War. Who's up to a little strategy heh heh.